Say hello to Sean! Sean is an awesome Roswell Senior! He plays instruments of many kinds, including the electric guitar and drums. If you asked me though, I’d say his passion is all kinds of music, especially any with an eclectic vibe! So for his senior guy portraits we headed to none other than a location that meant a lot to him and his dad! They’d go here a lot for concerts, good food and just to discover new things! We traveled all around the backs of buildings and into alleyways! You never know what you might find! And boy, did we find! So much amazing graffiti! Not to mention the free sound check by the band HANSON! <my second shooter was a crazy fan girl for the rest of the session!> Sean’s family is originally from Boston so naturally we had arguments on who was better, the Red Sox or the Braves. We all know who won that debate! Sean brought a lot of clothing options; surprisingly, every time we changed an outfit we would stumble upon the perfect backdrop and setting for the colors and style clothing he had on! Join us on a journey with Sean, you’ll see great boy senior poses, amazing colors that just jump right of the screen and a Roswell Senior that can’t wait to make it to the big time stage!
EDIT:// Check out Sean’s awesome custom designed Senior Album!